Home Insurance
2 Coverages on a Home Insurance Policy
Let’s take a closer look at buildings and contents and the difference between them below:
Buildings – this will provide coverage for the physical structure of the whole house, so it is critical for every homeowner. It covers the floors, walls, and ceilings of your home, as well as fixtures, and fittings. It is most useful in the event of damage from a natural disaster, where the repairs may cost more than you can afford to fix.
Contents – this protects the items inside of your home. Keeping track of your belongings over time is important, as you may need to add a valuable item to your policy separately. If you undervalue your belongings, they may not be covered should anything happen. This is why it’s so important to value everything carefully when signing up for contents insurance.
You do need both types of insurance if you want to stay safe as a homeowner, and it’s usually best if you purchase both under one policy, from the same provider. If you rent a property, then you will only need content’s insurance as building insurance is the landlord’s responsibility.
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