How to get the best price on Home Insurance?
Asking yourself some important questions will help you to narrow down the list of options available to you, too. Some of them are listed below, but feel free to add your own questions to the list:
- Could I combine some of my insurance policies to get a better deal? (home/auto discount)
- What is my home actually worth? – many people get confused by this step. You can use a home value estimator, but a market analysis could be the better option if you’re unsure. You want to be as concise as possible to get the best level of coverage. Remember, you are insuring the home only, not the value of the land.
- Should I insure additional, valuable items? – if you have high-value items in the home, you may need to insure them separately or schedule them on your home policy.
- Does my mortgage provider require insurance? – make sure you know whether this is required by your mortgage provider and any other terms laid out.