What is auto liability insurance?

There are two types of liability coverages. Most common is Split liability coverage and the other is Combined Single Limit liablity coverage.

There are two types of liability coverages. Most common is Split liability coverage and the other is Combined Single Limit liablity coverage.

25/65/25 liability coverage

Auto Liability coverage limits are typically written out in three numbers, such as 25/65/25. This means you have a $25,000 limit per person for bodily injury in an accident, $65,000 total limit per accident for bodily injury and $25,000 limit per accident for property.

For example, You currently have 25/65/25, for auto liability coverage. What this means is if you were to cause an at fault accident and the driver was to go to the hospital and the bill was $100,000, your current insurance would pay for $25,000 and you would need to come up with $75,000. The middle 65 would cover passenger’s in the vehicle’s medical expenses up to $65,000 and extra than you would need to come up with the money and the 25 at the end would cover any physical damage up to $25,000. Most vehicles on the road now, cost about $25,000 or higher.

If your involved in an accident and the other driver has state minimums and they can’t pay for everything your insurance may need to help with the accident. If the accident still is high, then you may need to pay some out of pocket. This is why we highly recommend higher coverages.

50/100/100 liability coverage

Auto Liability coverage limits are typically written out in three numbers, such as 50/100/100. This means you have a $50,000 limit per person for bodily injury in an accident, $100,000 total limit per accident for bodily injury and $100,000 limit per accident for property. Double check your insurance policy, because sometimes the last number references “50” for $50,000

For example, You currently have 50/100/100, for auto liability coverage. What this means is if you were to cause an at fault accident and the driver was to go to the hospital and the bill was $100,000, your current insurance would pay for $50,000 and you would need to come up with $50,000. The middle 100 would cover passenger’s in the vehicle’s medical expenses up to $100,000 and extra than you would need to come up with the money and the 100 at the end would cover any physical damage up to $100,000. There are several cars on the road now, that cost $100,000+.

If your involved in an accident and the other driver has state minimums and they can’t pay for everything your insurance may need to help with the accident. If the accident still is high, then you may need to pay some out of pocket. This is why we highly recommend higher coverages.

100/300/100 liability coverage

Auto Liability coverage limits are typically written out in three numbers, such as 100/300/100. This means you have a $100,000 limit per person for bodily injury in an accident, $300,000 total limit per accident for bodily injury and $100,000 limit per accident for property. Double check your insurance policy, because sometimes the last number references “50” for $50,000

For example, You currently have 100/300/100, for auto liability coverage. What this means is if you were to cause an at fault accident and the driver was to go to the hospital and the bill was $100,000, your current insurance would pay for $100,000. The middle 300 would cover passenger’s in the vehicle’s medical expenses up to $300,000 and the 100 at the end would cover any physical damage up to $100,000. There are several cars on the road now, that cost $100,000+

If your involved in an accident and the other driver has state minimums and they can’t pay for everything your insurance may need to help with the accident. If the accident still is high, then you may need to pay some out of pocket. This is why we highly recommend higher coverages.

250/500/100 liability coverage

Auto Liability coverage limits are typically written out in three numbers, such as 250/500/100. This means you have a $250,000 limit per person for bodily injury in an accident, $500,000 total limit per accident for bodily injury and $100,000 limit per accident for property. 

For example, You currently have 250/500/100, for auto liability coverage. What this means is if you were to cause an at fault accident and the driver was to go to the hospital and the bill was $100,000, your current insurance would pay for $100,000. The middle 250 would cover passenger’s in the vehicle’s medical expenses up to $2500,000 and extra than you would need to come up with the money and the 100 at the end would cover any physical damage up to $100,000. There are several cars on the road now, that cost $100,000+.

If your involved in an accident and the other driver has state minimums and they can’t pay for everything your insurance may need to help with the accident. If the accident still is high, then you may need to pay some out of pocket. This is why we highly recommend higher coverages.

300 Combined Single Limit

The 300,000 combined single limit, is when an accident occurs that the combined bodily, injury and property damage will go upto $300,000, for one accident.

500 Combined Single Limit

The 500,000 combined single limit is when an accident occurs that the combined bodily, injury and property damage will go upto $500,000, for one accident.