How do I bring down my estimate for Home Insurance?
- Make your home safer by adding alarms and security systems
- Don’t confuse the rebuilding cost of your home with the purchase price
- Review your possessions at least once a year to ensure your quote is correct
- Use the same insurer for different types of insurance, for example, your auto insurance, and life insurance.
Keep your credit record strong - See if you can do anything to make your home more resistant to disaster
- Raise your deductible (the amount you are willing to pay before you the money from insurance) so that premiums are lower
Remember, the most important piece of advice you will receive is to never undervalue your home just to get a cheaper quote.
Working with an independent insurance agent such as Inside Insurance can help you to find the proper coverage to meet your needs all at an affordable price.
We know how important it is to you to keep things within budget, but we also know how important it is to have the appropriate level of cover.