Does my auto insurance cover a rental car?

This is one of our most often asked questions. In fact, we wrote a whole blog post all about it.

Rental car coverage can be a bit tricky, but the simple answer is the coverages you have on your own car will transfer to the rental car. With some exceptions.

So, if you have comprehensive and collision coverage on your personal auto, then you will have comp and collision coverage for the rental car.

There is never coverage for “loss of use” for the rental company. Meaning, if you wreck one of their cars, they won’t be able to rent it out while it’s being fixed. The rental car company will want to pass that loss on to you.

Also, if you are renting a car for business, there are additional limitations on coverage.

When in doubt, purchase the insurance from the rental car company. Then there will be no questions as to what is covered and what isn’t.